Individual personal training targets your specific needs, whether fitness, weight loss, or flexibility.

Endurance athletes everywhere understand the benefits of personal training. This is a great way to improve strength and mobility, which in turn helps improve your performance.

Our personal trainers are available for one-to-one individual training and offer personal training in a group format.

Personal Training & Programs

Two women training with weights.

One-on-one Training

Target your specific goals, whether fitness, weight loss, or flexibility.

Five 30-minute sessions

Five 60-minute sessions

Meet Our Personal Trainer


Coach & Personal Trainer

As a lifetime athlete, Mary is passionate about keeping athletes and clients motivated and moving as safely and efficiently as possible.  Everyday repetitive movements, as well as athletic overuse, can cause pain and stress on your body. Mary focuses on core strength and stability to help keep you moving safely (at home and in competition) and reduce your risk of injury.

Mary has a background in dance and swimming with a bachelor of science in nursing. She is a certified NASM personal trainer and a certified corrective exercise specialist.

Contact Mary with questions about small group programs or one-on-one personal training.